Canines & Centenarians?

Photo by Mitchell Orr

Photo by Mitchell Orr

The phrase “man’s best friend” isn’t a baseless moniker. For ages, dogs have been known to bring humans joy, help comfort those with anxiety & depression, reduce stress, and the list goes on. They can give purpose to those with otherwise empty lives, be certified as ‘Service’ or ‘Support’ animals and granted access to everywhere their owners can. But aside from the mental and emotional benefits, what effects can these animals have on our physical well being?

A recent paper reviewing 10 different studies, spanning decades, and including thousands of participants, showed a strong correlation between dog ownership and a lower risk of death over the long term, (possibly driven by a reduction in cardiovascular mortality).

Now it’s important to keep in mind that studies of this nature can’t take into account all the variables, as there’s countless factors that go into pet ownership and longevity. But despite the confounders, dog owners can rejoice knowing their furry friends are not only adding to their smiles, but also possibly to their lifespan.