Kings College London to Focus on Senolytic Drugs

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Zombies; Senescent cells resisting death, building up, and wreaking havoc on the aging body. In October we published an interview with our friends at Oisín Bio who are working on how to remove these zombie cells without collateral damage. Last month in our blog we shed light on some groundbreaking senolytic research done in 2018 by a team at Mayo Clinic.

Now at Kings College London, thanks to a £125,000 research grant from Heart Research UK, Senolytic drugs and their effects on human heart cells will be focused on. The Chief Executive of Heart Research UK had this to say, “Grants are all about bridging the gap between laboratory-based scientific research and patient care - they aim to bring the latest developments to patients as soon as possible.

With the focus on practical applications for patients, we’re excited to see what results their research yields.